Dåligt samvete/Bad conscience
Det är långhelg och vi är kvar på ön, den i stan. Man borde ha varit på landet nu. Sjösatt en båt, testat om motorn går i år. Vädrat sängkläder och kollat om det finns gas kvar. Dåliga samvetet. Okej om vi nu inte kommer iväg till landet så borde man ju åtminstone sätta igång med något - klippa gräset, putsa fönster, tvätta, slåss mot det allt mer påträngande hägghäcken. Dåligt samvete. Eller ringa upp någon av alla dem jag sagt "vi kan väll ses i helgen" till och verkligen se till att detta inte bara är tomt prat. Dåligt samvete.
It is a long weekend and we are left in town. We should have been out in te country. Launched the boat, tested whether the engine is still running this year. Scented linens and checked if there is gas left. Bad conscience. Okay if we are not going away to the country so of course we should at least start with something - cut the lawn, polish windows, clean, fighting the increasingly insistent hedges. Bad conscience. Or call some of the people I said "we may well be seen this weekend" to and really see that this is not just empty talk. Bad conscience.
It is a long weekend and we are left in town. We should have been out in te country. Launched the boat, tested whether the engine is still running this year. Scented linens and checked if there is gas left. Bad conscience. Okay if we are not going away to the country so of course we should at least start with something - cut the lawn, polish windows, clean, fighting the increasingly insistent hedges. Bad conscience. Or call some of the people I said "we may well be seen this weekend" to and really see that this is not just empty talk. Bad conscience.